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Arduino IDE Setup #2. Arduino IDE Dark Theme, Font, Tab Spacing Settings +a (Useful Setup)

  • Writing language: Korean
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Summarized by durumis AI

  • The original Arduino IDE lacks readability and thus reduces productivity. This article introduces how to set up line numbers, show detailed output during compilation, apply a dark theme, change fonts and tab spacing, and more to enhance programming productivity.
  • You can apply a dark theme by downloading it from GitHub and replacing the existing theme folder in the lib folder within the Arduino installation directory.
  • You can change the font, tab spacing, and editor window size by opening the preferences.txt file, which is the Arduino account settings file, and modifying it.

Recommended Arduino IDE Settings


The existing Arduino IDE has the advantage of being compact, but it lacks readability and low productivity. It is difficult to use even with slightly complex code. This post guides you through setting up the Arduino IDE to improve your programming productivity. This setup is up to your personal preference, so please refer to it. It is not mandatory.

Setting Content

  • Add line numbers
  • Show detailed output when compiling
  • Apply dark theme
  • Change font
  • Change font size
  • Change indentation tab spacing
  • Change the initial editor window size when the IDE runs

Applying Settings

Add line numbers

  • Settings: Menu bar > File > Preferences: Check 'Show line numbers' in the Settings tab
Arduino IDE Line Number Display Setting

Arduino IDE Line Number Display Setting

Comparison before/after setting line numbers

Arduino IDE Line Numbers

Arduino IDE Line Numbers

Show detailed output when compiling

When the code becomes complex, it is sometimes difficult to know where the error occurred during compilation. If you click to show detailed output during compilation, it is easy to check where the error occurred.

  • Settings: Menu bar > File > Preferences: Select compile from 'Show detailed output during:'
Arduino Compile Detailed Output Display Setting

Arduino Compile Detailed Output Display Setting

Dark theme settings

1. Download path for Dark Theme - Click
2. Download the theme file from the Dark Theme download path

3. Unzip the downloaded file: 'theme' folder is the folder to be moved to the Arduino installation file folder.

4. Move to the lib folder inside the Arduino installation folder. In my case, the path is C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\lib.
5. Change the name of the existing theme folder inside the lib folder to theme(old).

6. Move the theme folder from the theme downloaded from Github to the lib folder above.

7. Change the file name as shown in the picture below from the syntax folder inside the copied theme folder.
1. default.xml -> Change the file name to default_old.xml
2. dark.xml -> Change the file name to default.xml

8. When you run the Arduino IDE, you can see that the Dark Theme is applied as below.

Arduino IDE Dark Theme

Arduino IDE Dark Theme

Other settings: font, tab spacing, editor window size

I would like to set the following details.

  • Font type: D2Coding (Good Korean readability, so I chose it)
  • Font size: 16
  • Tab size: 4
  • Initial editor window size: 900 x 900 px

Before proceeding with the settings below, you need to exit the Arduino program and install the font you will use.

  • Move to the Arduino account settings file: C:\Users\{Username}\AppData\Local\Arduino15\preferences.txt
  • Open the file and modify the following contents.
    • Line 20: editor.font=Monospaced,plain,14 -> Change to D2Coding,plain,16
    • Line 30: editor.tabs.size=2 -> Change to 4
    • Line 32: editor.window.height.default=600 -> Change to 900
    • Line 34: editor.window.width.default=500 -> Change to 900

Final Result Comparison

Arduino Environment Setup Before and After Comparison

Environment Setup Before and After Comparison

Thank you for reading until the end. 😊


1. Download D2Coding font:

Yongmin Kim
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